Completed Studies: Results and Updates

The COPD Foundation partners with external organizations and institutions on Bronchiectasis and NTM research. Below is a list of related research projects in which the COPD Foundation has been involved.

Study Name: Comparative effectiveness and safety of inhaled corticosteroids and antimicrobial compounds for non-CF bronchiectasis

Study Purpose: To evaluate and compare the clinical effectiveness and safety of long-term inhaled corticosteroids and macrolide antimicrobial therapies among a cohort of non-CF bronchiectasis patients.

Study Sponsor: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

Participating Organizations/Institutions: Oregon Health and Science University and COPD Foundation

Lay Summaries:

Scientific Publication(s):

  • Henkle E, Curtis JR, Chen L, et al. Comparative risks of chronic inhaled corticosteroids and macrolides for bronchiectasis. Eur Resp J. 2018; 54(1): 1801896. DOI:
  • Henkle E, Chan B, Curtis JR, et al. Characteristics and Health-care Utilization History of Patients With Bronchiectasis in US Medicare Enrollees With Prescription Drug Plans, 2006 to 2014. Chest. 2018; 154(6): 1272-1273. DOI:

Study Name: Non-cystic fibrosis (CF) bronchiectasis patient network and research roadmap

Study Purpose: To increase patient-centered research capabilities by forming a non-CF bronchiectasis patient network and develop a roadmap for future research.

Study Sponsor: Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

Participating Organizations/Institutions: Oregon Health and Science University and COPD Foundation

Lay Summaries:

Scientific Publication(s):