Educational Videos for Health Care Providers
Advancing Bronchiectasis Awareness and Education Video Series
How do patients with bronchiectasis present?
In this video, Tim Aksamit, MD defines bronchiectasis and reviews symptoms that are commonly present in bronchiectasis patients. Topics including common respiratory pathogens, etiologies, and prevalence of bronchiectasis are explained.
What to do if you suspect your patient has bronchiectasis?
In this video, Tim Aksamit, MD explains how to confirm a diagnosis of bronchiectasis. Attention to associated conditions and further testing is emphasized.
Management of Bronchiectasis
In this video, Tim Aksamit, MD reviews the nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic management of the bronchiectasis patient. General lifestyle and wellness guidelines are also reviewed.
Management of Bronchiectasis Exacerbations
In this video, Tim Aksamit, MD defines an exacerbation of bronchiectasis. Topics such as antimicrobial stewardship and airway clearance modification are explained.
Resources for Patients with Bronchiectasis
In this video, Tim Aksamit, MD reviews where to refer patients for resources to manage and cope with their diagnosis.