This is my daily routine. What is yours?
Upon waking.......... Coughing and expelling mucous/phlegm for 40 minutes (average) in order to clear my airway passages. On bad days I can go for 60 minutes and my wife will help me by doing persuasion treatments on my back to help loosen the build up. I take 10 ml of gaufenesin liquid each morning to help loosen the build up.
During the day........... Constant clearing of the throat and expelling mucous on tissues. I have to have tissues near me or with me at all times so that I do not suppress the mucous. I use about 50 to 75 tissues each day. I buy tissue that is very cheap and by the case. I find that the more expensive ones simply have a whole lot more paper dust in them to make them soft and breathing that dust is no good for anyone.
At bed time......... Another dose of gaufenesin and then while reading or watching TV I usually cough up mucous for at least 20 minutes. I think it has something to do with what is referred to as postural drainage, meaning for me the change to a laying position from standing causes the coughing to begin. I usually go through about 10 to 15 tissues while settling down to go to sleep.
While there is a whole bunch more I could add, I think you get the picture. I've had bronchiectasis diagnosed since 1979 and as the years have gone by it has indeed got worse. I am retired now (67 years old), but it never cramped my style during my working years. (Other than having so many people ask if I have a cold so often.)
I wonder what others days/nights are like? I hope some of you will share.
Thanks, and God Bless.